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Wildlife in and around Hamilton Marsh
May 22, 2024

Wildlife, Birds, Dragonflies, and Red and Blue Listed Species abound within the Hamilton Wetlands Ecosystem.  

  • One third of Canada’s species at risk depend on wetlands for all or part of their lifecycle.*



  • The Odonata of Hamilton Marsh is a published paper about dragonflies at Hamilton Marsh. Thirty species of dragonflies have been recorded, some rare. It’s a conservative number – as many more exist yet to be identified.  The Odonata of Hamilton Marsh was written by Dr. Rob Cannings and John Simaika.  The paper gives lots of information about the wetland.  See it here. 

Red & Blue Listed Species

There are a number of red and blue-listed species that have been recorded using the marsh and surrounds including:

  • American Bittern (blue),
  • Western Screech-owl (COSEWIC & SARA Special Concern; blue),
  • Northern Pygmy Owl (blue),
  • Band-tailed Pigeon (blue),
  • Great Blue Heron (blue),
  • Roosevelt Elk (blue),
  • Common Water Shrew (red-listed).

The marsh and surrounds are also important for black bears, all the species of owls in this area, early migrant swallows, migrant shorebirds, and is used as a roosting area for shorebirds during high tides along the coast. The grey wolf has also been seen in the area. Source for Red & Blue listed species: Neil Dawe, R.P. Bio., Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, Click here for a database of red and blue listed species seen or expected in Hamilton Marsh.